کتاب های به زبان مصر باستان

Ägyptische Lesestücke
Kurt Sethe, K.S., 1959
The Demotic Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Janet H. Johnson, 2001
Anthologia Lyrica Graeca Fasc. 1 Poetae Elegiaci
Ernestus Diehl (ed.), 1949
A concordance to the Septuagint and the other Greek versions of the Old Testament (including the Apocryphal books)
Hatch, Edwin; Redpath, Henry A., 1897
A patristic Greek lexicon
edited by G.W.H. Lampe., 1961-1968.
Anthologia Lyrica Graeca Fasc. 3 Iamborum Scriptores
Ernestus Diehl (ed.), 1952
Archimedis opera omnia cum commentariis Eutocii, Volumen I
Archimedes, 1972
Archimedis opera omnia cum commentariis Eutocii, Volumen II
Archimedes, 1972
Platonis Rempublicam
Plato, 2003
Dedomena: Euclid’s Data or The Importance of Being Given
Christian Marinus Taisbak, 2003
Gramatika grčkoga jezika
August Musić, 1980
Fragmenta Hesiodea
Hesiod, 1967
Herodoti Historiae Libri V-IX
Herodotus, 2015
Inscriptiones Creticae, Vol. II Tituli Cretae Occidentalis
Guarducci, 1939
Inscriptiones Creticae, Vol. III Tituli Cretae Orientalis
Guarducci, 1942
Inscriptiones Creticae, Vol. IV Tituli Gortynii
Guarducci, 1950
Anthologia Lyrica Graeca Fasc. 2: Theognis, Ps.-Pythagoras, Ps.-Phocylides, Cahres, Anonymi Aulodia
Ernestus Diehl (ed.), 1950
Hérodote: Index analytique
Legrand, 1966 (1954)
Hérodote: Livre II Euterpe
Legrand, 1944 (1936)
Hérodote: Livre III Thalie
Legrand, 1967 (1939)